
AutoGen Version 5.2.11
AutoOpts Version 11.0

Announcement for October 25, 2001

AutoOpts range checks
AutoOpts will now provide for range checking when the arg-range attribute has been specified.

AutoGen --timeout option
is now constrained to 0 through 3600 seconds. 0 seconds disables timeouts on the server processes.

usage procedure
The autoopts usage procedure will report the accepted ranges for numeric options that are range-constrained:
autogen - The Automated Program Generator - Ver. 5.2.11
USAGE:  autogen [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... [ <def-file> ]
  Flg Arg Option-Name    Description
   -t Num timeout        Time limit for servers
                                - must lie within the range:
                                  0 to 3600

make check
Fixed some minor buglets, if you happen to run "make check" on a system that does not have AutoGen pre-installed.

Library of Standard Options
Significantly improved the documentation on how to use standard, pre-defined options in your program. See the Library of Standard Options documentation.

pre-define __autogen__
AutoGen automatically pre-defines __autogen__, much like C does for __STDC__.

Add AG_pid to server shell environment
This will now provide a way for scripts running in the server shell to tell the parent process (AutoGen) to exit.

snprintfv test
fixed make check buglet

Announcement for September 22, 2001

Conditionally Compiled Options
In the past, the only way to have options that were conditionally compiled was to have them conditionally emitted when AutoGen ran. This is not always convenient. It won't work if an AutoOpts client program is distributed and built where AutoGen is not available, for example.

To accommodate this, two new option attributes are now accepted: ifdef and ifndef. For example, if an optional feature mumble is indicated with a compilation define WITH_MUMBLE, you would add:

   ifdef = WITH_MUMBLE;
into the attributes for the affected command options. These are documented in the Common Option Attributes section of the documentation.

Platform Pre-Defines
Just like in a C program, it is often useful to do things conditioned on a particular platform, it is now possible to do this with AutoGen definitions. On platforms that support the POSIX sysinfo(2) or uname(2) system calls, several names will be pre-defined. These are documented in the Predefines section of the documentation.

Case Sensitive Option Names
Not all option specifications are GNU compliant. Some programs are specified as having very long option names segmented only by capitalization. If you are writing such a program, you can specify the program attribute preserve-case. This will preserve the case for display purposes in both the usage text and the generated man page. Option name matching will still be case-insensitive. See the program attributes documentation.

Announcement for August 26, 2001

`out-suspend' and `out-resume'
With these two functions, it is now possible to do proper "diversions". You can suspend the output to a "push"-ed output file, giving it a string tag-name. Output to that file is resumed with the out-resume function, naming the tag to be resumed.

has been augmented to accept a list of source files from stdin.

Announcement for May 9, 2001

This implements a new function `extract'.

Usage: (extract "file-name" "fmt-string" [ "beware" [ "default" ]] )
This function will extract a block of text from another file.

Please direct any questions, comments, suggestions or anything else to the author, Bruce Korb.

Thanks to for site promotion help.

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AutoGen, AutoOpts, columns, getdefs, AutoFSM, AutoXDR and these web pages copyright (c) 1999, 2000, 2001 Bruce Korb, all rights reserved.